Isle Of Sheppey Round the Island Race
Sailboat passing Kingsferry Bridge
Entry Form
Notice of Race
Sailing Instructions
Course Map
Past Winners
Video Clips
Press Cuttings
How to get here

Event organised by
IOS Sailing Club



Safety Advice

  • In an event of this type every boat should be capable of completing the course in whatever conditions are encountered. It is therefore strongly advised that all craft entering carry the following:

    • A VHF radio or mobile phone (please note the Sailing Club's phone number: 01795 663052)
    • A bottle of drinking water
    • A paddle (for emergency use in case the wind dies)
    • A compass (in case of fog)
    • A bailer (to remove excess water after a capsize)
    • 10m of tow rope (which can also double as an anchor line)
    • Some food (eg. bananas/energy bars, etc.)
    • Clothing suitable for all likely weather conditions
      (be sure to allow for a potentially long passage duration
      of 3 to 8+ hours)
    • A small anchor if possible (folding grapnels are compact, and in an emergency allow a position to be held against wind & tide / a boat can be left anchored if the crew have to be taken off)

  • Particular note should be made of the possibility of being reliant upon your own resources for a protracted period, even returning after dark or in fog.
  • All boats buoyancy arrangements must be in thoroughly efficient working order.
  • Daggerboards and rudders should be tied on.
  • All split-rings should be taped over.
  • All rigging and equipment should be double-checked before entering the race, and replaced where necessary.
  • Safety boats are advised that, if necessary, crews be taken off and boats left to be towed in later.
